Our childbirth educator program will give you the training and experience you need to make a difference in the lives of expecting families.
- The program promotes the concept of the birth instructor as an advocate of the natural process of childbirth and the right of the expectant parent to make informed decisions based on knowledge of alternatives.
- The program sets a common standard that improves the quality of teaching by individual birth instructors, protects the consumer by ensuring minimum qualifications, and provides the basis for establishing childbirth education as a recognized profession
- SBAOA offers on-the-job learning such as internships, apprenticeships, and co-ops that build real-world experience and offer a pathway to full-time employment or higher education.
- SBAOA is setting equity goals, designing strategies to achieve them, and monitoring outreach, recruitment, enrollment, completion, job placements, and wages.
Partnered with The Conrad Prebys Foundation